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Notes updated Aug 2020
The future of large-scale infrastructural projects is uncertain, as projects are irrationally chosen by politicians largely motivated by a need to demonstrate power and control over others & for electoral purposes.
The current social dysfunction created by the rise of English Nationalism (Brexit) combined with the effects of pandemic, make the construction of a Tunnel linking Ireland and Scotland, even more problematic!
Notwithstanding the above, this Concept graphically illustrates the proposed route for a tunnel and illustrates how the tunnel links with existing land-based infrastructure. 
Alternative routes for a tunnel have been considered and dismissed for a variety of reasons.
Designs for bridges have also been considered including a sky bridge concept.
Lack of supporting land-based infrastructure adds substantial additional cost to any Proposal.
Ireland Scotland Tunnel 24.8.20.JPG
The Politics of Infrastructure
Northern Ireland Scotland Rail Tunnel.JPG
Ireland Scotland Rail Tunnel 
Route Plan
NI Scotland Rail Tunnel.JPG
Ireland Scotland Rail Tunnel
North Channel Marine Contours
Corsewall Service 15.2.20.JPG
Ireland Scotland Rail Tunnel
Corsewall Service Tunnel Plan
Corsewall Lighthouse.JPG
Scotland Ireland Rail Tunnel
Corsewall Service Tunnel Location
Larne Terminal revised 9.3.20.JPG
Ireland Scotland Rail Tunnel
Larne North Channel Tunnel Terminal
Ballantrae Concept Rail Terminal 15.2.20
Ireland Scotland Rail Tunnel
Ballantrae Freight Terminal
© Ross Eccles - Infrastructural Concept Designer, Artist, Architect
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