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Ross Eccles
artist - architect - concepts designer
creative thinker since 1937
GB.7. - Linking Argyll & Inverclyde
"Independence Bridge"
The Clyde
Argyll has been poorly connected to Glasgow and the rest of Scotland from time immemorial!
It remains undeveloped.
Some people like it this way and prefer to stick with the status-quo notwithstanding the inconveniences.
Change is promoted by a younger generation suffering from a lack of prospects and opportunities, who see migration as an unwelcome alternative.
In our interlinked, fast-changing world of climate-change and pandemic, efficient infrastructure lies at the heart of social and economic progress. It allows communities to interlink, interact and thereby prosper.
The problem is that the fate of large-scale infrastructural projects, happens to be determined by politicians. Irrationally influenced by groupthink, lobbying, pressure groups and short-term thinking.
What politicians fail to comprehend, is that infrastructure, once in place, attracts investment and future development in many, many ways never envisaged at the design, approval or construct stage.
Instead of thinking of infrastructure as something to fill a current need, a long term view of the potential for regional development should determine any decision to proceed.
With the above in mind, the Scottish National Party have recently announced an investigation into a possible Dunoon, Gourock bridge. Let us call it the "Independence Bridge" as a celebration! In the event that the SNP manages to push this idea through!
Once a Bridge is in place a new direct route to Oban can be opened up, by building a short link road and a new bridge across Loch Fyne.
Consideration can also be given to linking with Ireland via a Tunnel under the North Channel, from the Mull of Kintyre to Co. Antrim in Ireland.
The Concept Graphics below illustrate how the above can be achieved.
Independence Bridge Concept
Comment added 18.5.21
It is only a matter of time before Scotland gains control of it's own destiny.
So "Independence Bridge" could well be an appropriate name for a significant bridge structure across the Clyde!
The latest "skipping rope" design gives road clearance to tall ships in the shipping channel without the need for shipping clearance dominating the overall design as illustrated in preliminary design graphics.
A central flagpole at the top of the middle Arch Bridge is added to celebrate the Event
The rise of English Nationalism and the growth of a "Little England" mentality is accelerating this shift towards Independence for Scotland.
Now that an "English inspired Brexit" has been achieved, the resulting economic loss and loss of past privilege, will likely turn into a sense of failure, which will naturally be blamed on "others". Firstly the EU and "immigrants", then the Scots, The Northern Irish and lastly the Welsh.
Sadly, we are witness to a period of English self-denial, that has little respect for other Partners in The Union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Linking Argyll & Inverclyde
Concept Transportation Route
Independence Bridge - skipping-rope design
Concept sketch from Dunoon side - revised 13.7.21
Earlier Bridge Design with high level road access
Concept sketch from Dunoon side
Clyde Bridge
Concept photo-sketch Dunoon side
Clyde Bridge
Concept Location
Clyde Bridge
Aerial view of the Dunoon side
Clyde Bridge
Concept sketch from the Gourock side
Clyde Bridge
Plan superimposed on marine contours map
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